DEX Aggregator Trades on Ethereum mainnet.
Projects | Protocols |
1inch | 1inch_ar_v2 1inch_ar_v3 1inch_ar_v4 1inch_ar_v5 1inch_ar_v6 1inch_lop_v2 1inch_lop_v3 1inch_lop_v4 |
cow_protocol | cow_protocol |
dodo | dodo_x_v1, dodo_x_v2 |
hashflow | hashflow_x |
kyberswap_aggregator | kyberswap_aggregator_v2 |
okx | okx_ar_v1 |
openocean | openocean_v2 |
paraswap | paraswap_v1 paraswap_v2 paraswap_v3 paraswap_v4 paraswap_v5 |
tokenlon | tokenlon_amm_v2 to]kenlon_pmm tokenlon_amm_v1 tokenlon_rfq_v2 tokenlon_rfq_v1 |
uniswap_x | uniswap_x |
zeroex | zeroex_v4 |
For each project associated with a DEX-aggregator, we identified the corresponding event-log that emits the swap details of the aggregated trade.
This model only contains successful DEX swaps executed by aggregators on Ethereum mainnet.