Query DEX trades across multiple blockchains in a single query.
DEX Aggregator Trades across multiple EVM-compatible blockchains.
DEX aggregator pools liquidity from various DEXs to offer traders more favorable prices and reduced slippage. In aggregator trades, the swap event compresses the multiple hops a swap may take across multiple DEXs into a single row. For example, the user wanted to swap WETH for USDC, and the swap hops through 2 liquidity pools on Uniswap (WETH > USDT) and Balancer (USDT > USDC), the aggregator_trades
table will contain a single row that indicate a WETH > USDC swap.
EVM-Blockchains Supported: ethereum, polygon, arbitrum, optimism, avalanche, base, bsc, celo, mode, scroll, worldchain, zksync, zora
Orders excuted by UniswapX's ExclusiveDutchOrderReactor Contract.
Pool creation events across various indexed protocols, including Uniswap v3
The uniswap events tables provides aggregated and enriched events details emitted from uniswap v2 and v3 protocols. For v3, this includes: swap, mint, burn, collect, flash and initalise events. For v2, this includes: mint, swap, burn and sync events.
The Just-in-Time (JIT) liquidity events table contains DEX events from Uniswap V3 protocol for each JIT event.
Aggregates swaps from both dex.trades and dex.aggregatortrades by transactionhash, showing the dex aggregator(s) and underlying liquidity sources used in a single transaction.